Funding Obtained (Total: NSF = $1,843,997)
NSF-CAREER, CAREER: Is Continental Crust Juvenile or Reworked? A Test of Growth Models Using the Extant Neoarchean Granitoid Record
Sole PI, $903,320
NSF-EAR, Mesoarchean diamond-bearing sediments: implications for Archean continental roots and their surface expression.
Sole PI, EAR-CH-2118161 $385,650
NSF-I&F, Collaborative Proposal: Development of a high-efficiency mass spectrometer: transitioning a high-efficiency ion source to a modern mass spectrometer
Lead-PI, EAR-IF-2017252 $46,019
PIs – Jesse Reimink and Rick Carlson
NSF-I&F, Development of a Simplified Cavity Thermal Ionization Source for Geosciences
Co-PI, EAR-IF-1758571 $177,199
PIs – Rick Carlson and Jesse Reimink
NSF-OCE-1524384, Exploration of the Earliest Crust Forming Events on Earth
Grant proposal based on Reimink’s Carnegie Fellowship proposal
named Postdoc, $331,899
PIs – Richard Carlson and Steven Shirey
Peer-Reviewed Publications
+denotes co-first authors listed alphabetically
* denotes student author
31. Schoonover, E.J.*, Ackerson, M., Garber, J.M., Smye, A.J., Reimink, J.R., Zircon geochemistry reveals melt evolution in the Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, in press
30. Buryak, SD; Reyes, AV; West, CK; Jensen, BFL; DuFrane, SA; Davies, JHFL; Luo, Y; Galloway, JM; Siver, PA; Westgate, JA; Reimink, JR; Pearson, DG; Wolfe, AP, Tephra zircon U-Pb geochronology of kimberlite maar sedimentary fills in subarctic Canada: Implications for Eocene paleoclimate and Late Cretaceous paleogeography GSA Bulletin, 2024
29. Cipar, JH., Smye, AJ., Garber, JM., Kylander-Clark, A., Reimink, J.R., Thinning and heating of Laramide lower crust recorded by zircon petrochronology, G-Cubed, 2024
28. O’Neil J, Rizo H, Reimink J.R., Garçon M, Carlson RW (2024) Earth’s earliest crust. Elements 20: 168-173, doi: 10.2138/gselements.20.3.168
27. Reimink, J.R.; Smye, A.J., Subaerial Weathering Drove Stabilization of Continents, Nature
26. Soares, G.G.*, Garber, J.M., House, C.H., Reimink, J.R., Extracting meaningful environmental and age information from a c. 2.4-2.2 Ga peritidal phosphorite: the Turee Creek Group, Western Australia, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, published
25. Reimink, J.R.; Chacko, T; Geological Sampling in Treatise of Geochemistry, Volume 3. In press
24. Droubi, O.M., Bauer, A.M, Bonamici, C., Nachlas, W.O, Tappa, M.J., Garber, J.M., Reimink, J.R. U-Th-Pb and Trace Element Evaluation of Existing Titanite and Apatite LA-ICP-MS Reference Materials and Determination of 208Pb/232Th-206Pb/238U Date Discordance in Archaean Accessory Phases, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 47 (2) 337-369
23. Reimink, J.R.; Davies, J.H.F.L.; Pearson, D.G.; Moyen, J.F.; A Whole-Lithosphere View on the Growth of Continents, in press, Geochemical Perspectives Letters.
22. Reimink, J.R., Crow, C., Moser, D., Jacobsen, B., Bauer, A. and Chacko, T., 2023. Quantifying the effect of late bombardment on terrestrial zircons. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 604, p.118007.
21. Rasmussen, K. L., Falck, H., Elongo, V., Reimink, J.R., Luo, Y., Pearson, D.G., Ootes, L., Creaser, R.A., Lecumberri-Sanchez, P.; The source of tungsten-associated magmas in the northern Canadian Cordillera and implications for the basement. Geology 2023;; 51 (7): 657–662.
20. Timmerman, S., Reimink, J.R., Vezinet A, Nestola F, Banas A, Stachel T, RA Stern, Y Luo, C Sarkar, Ielpi, A., C Mircea, V Jackson, DG Pearson. Mesoarchean diamonds formed in thickened lithosphere, caused by slab-stacking Earth and Planetary Science Letters, in press 2022
19. Bilak GS*, Niemetz K, Reimink JR, Reyes AV, Chacko T, Dufrane SA, Belosevic M, Ketchum JWF, 2022 Evaluating the Age Distribution of Exposed Crust in the Acasta Gneiss Complex Using Detrital Zircons in Pleistocene Eskers, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems, in press
18. Reyes AV, Carlson AE, Milne GA, Tarasov L, Reimink JR, Caffee MW. 2022. Revised chronology of northwest Laurentide ice-sheet deglaciation from 10Be exposure ages on boulder erratics. Quaternary Science Reviews 277: 107369 (7 p.). doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107369.
17. Reimink, J.R., Davies, J.H.F.L., Ielpi, A., Global zircon analysis records a gradual rise of continental crust throughout the Neoarchean, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 54, 116654
16. Aarons, S.M., Reimink, J.R., Greber, N.D., Heard, A.W., Zhang, Z., and Dauphas, N., Titanium isotopes constrain a magmatic transition at the Hadean-Archean boundary in the Acasta Gneiss Complex, Science Advances, 6, no. 50
15. Reimink, J. R., Carlson, R. W. & Mock, T. D. A cavity ion source for high-ionization efficiency neodymium isotope-ratio analyses in the geosciences. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 35, 2337–2350 (2020).
14. Reimink, J.R., Mundl‐Petermeier, A., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Walker, R.J., Pearson, D.G., 2020. Tungsten Isotope Composition of Archean Crustal Reservoirs and Implications for Terrestrial μ182W Evolution. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21,
13. +Bauer, A.M., +Reimink, J.R., Chacko, T., Foley, B.J., Shirey, S.B., Pearson, D.G., Zircon evidence for the progressive onset of mobile-lid tectonics, Geochemical Perspectives Letters (2020) 14, 1-6
12. Reimink, J.R., Davies, J.H.F.L., Bauer, A.M., Chacko, T., A comparison between zircon from the Acasta Gneiss Complex and the Jack Hills region, Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2020) 531, 115975 https://doi-org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115975
11. Carlson, R.W., Garçon, M., O’Neil, J., Reimink, J.R., and Rizo, H., The Nature of Earth’s First Crust. Chemical Geology (2019) 530, 119321. https://doi-org /10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119321
10. Reimink, J.R., Pearson, D.G., Shirey, S.B., Carlson, R.W., Ketchum, J.F.W., Onset of new, progressive crustal growth in the central Slave craton at 3.5 Ga. Geochemical Perspectives Letters (2019) 10, 8-13.
9. Davies, J.H.F.L., Sheldrake, T., Reimink, J.R., Wotzlaw, J.F., Möck, C., Finlay, A.J., Isochrons revisited: a new mixture model approach. Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems. (2018) 19, 4025-4047
8. Reimink, J.R., Bauer, A.M., Chacko, T., Invited Review: Chapter 15: The Acasta Gneiss Complex, in Earth’s Oldest Rocks, Vol. 2, eds. V Bennett, M. Van Kranendonk, and J.E. Hofmann. Springer, (2018).
7. Mundl, A., Walker, R.J., Reimink, J.R., Rudnick, R.L., Gaschnig, R.M., Temporal evolution of 182W in the Upper Continental Crust. Chemical Geology (2018) 494, 144-152
6. Reimink, J.R., Chacko, T., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Liu, J., Stern, R.A., Bauer, A.M., Pearson, D.G., Heaman, L.M., Petrogenesis and tectonics of the Acasta Gneiss Complex derived from integrated petrology and 142Nd and 182W extinct nuclide-geochemistry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2018) 494, 12–22,
5. Reimink, J.R., Davies, J.H.F.L., Chacko, T., Stern, R.A., Heaman, L.M., Pearson, D.G., Sarkar, C., Schaltegger, U., Creaser, R.A. No evidence for Hadean continents within Earth’s oldest known zircon-bearing rock unit. Nature Geoscience (2016) 9, 777–780, https://doi:10.1038/ngeo2786
4. Reimink, J.R., Chacko, T., Stern, R.A., Heaman, L.M. The birth of a cratonic nucleus: lithogeochemical evolution of the 4.02–2.94 Ga Acasta Gneiss Complex. Precambrian Research (2016) 281, 453–472, https://doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2016.06.007
3. Reimink, J.R., Davies, J.H.F.L., Waldron, J.W.F., Rojas, X.D. Dealing with discordance: a novel approach for analyzing detrital zircon U-Pb datasets. Journal of the Geological Society (2016) 17, 577–585,
2. Reimink, J. R., Chacko, T., Stern, R. A. & Heaman, L. M. Earth's earliest evolved crust generated in an Iceland-like setting. Nature Geoscience (2014) 7, 529–533, https://doi:10.1038/ngeo2170
1. Hansen, E; Reimink, JR; Harlov, D. Titaniferous accessory minerals in very low-grade metamorphic rocks, Keweenaw Peninsula Michigan, USA. Lithos (2010) 116, 167–174,