Teaching and Supervisory Experience
Graduate Students - Primary
Erik Schoonover - PhD Thesis - Expected completion Fall 2025
Rory Changleng - PhD Thesis - Expected completion Fall 2026
Emily White - PhD Thesis - Expected completion Fall 2026
Cristy Stoian - MSc thesis - Completed Fall 2022
Undergraduate Students - Primary
Alex Cerminaro - Expected completion Spring 2024
Abigail Weiner - Expected completion Spring 2025
Sydney McCarthy - Completed Fall 2023
Renan Beckman - Completed Spring 2023
Graduate Students - Co-supervisor
Mike Belosevic - Undergraduate Thesis - University of Alberta - Completed 2015
Grayson Bilak - MSc Thesis - University of Alberta - Completed 2018
Ongoing at Penn State
GEOSC 001: Physical Geology
A 200+ student introductory Physical Geology course for prospective majors and non-majors
GEOSC 355: Entrepreneurial Geoscience
A course delving into the current state of geoscience enterprises, new companies, fundraising trends, and startup culture. This course is directed towards geoscience students who are interested in making an impact in emerging industry-relevant geoscience fields. Discussions cover fields such as critical mineral exploration, carbon capture and storage, water resources, and Earth observation, among others.
GEOSC 472: Field Geology Camp
The capstone field course for geoscience majors - co-taught by several faculty members
GEOSC 518A: Introduction to Stable Isotope Geochemistry
An graduate level course in stable isotope geochemistry and serves as the first module in a series of modular isotope courses.
GEOSC 518E: Solid Earth Isotope Geochemistry
An graduate level course in how isotope geochemistry is used to understand the processes operative in the Solid Earth.
Instructor, GEOSC 470 (Fall 2020): Intro to Field Geology
Instructor, GEOSC 497 (Spring 2021-22): The Early Solar System and Hadean Earth from a Geologist's Perspective
Instructor, GEOSC 201 (Spring 2020): Earth Materials
Instructor, GEOSC 497 (Fall 2019): Special Topics, The Evolution of the Continental Crust
University of Alberta
Instructor, Precambrian Geology (EA432), 2014
Guest Lecturer, Precambrian Geology, (EA432), 2012-2013
Guest Lecturer, Geochemistry (EA320), 2013
Guest Lecturer, Hudsonville High School Geology, 2011-2014
Teaching Assistant, Igneous Petrology (EA331) 2011-2013
Teaching Assistant, Metamorphic Petrology (EA332), 2012-2014
Teaching Assistant, Advanced Geology Field School (EA333), 2011-2014
Teaching Assistant, Mineralogy II (EA232), 2011
Teaching Assistant, Mineralogy I (EA224), 2010